Nestled in the picturesque but rugged terrain of the North Eastern Himalayas, Namka
Chu is a site of immense historical significance. Located near the tri-junction of India,
Bhutan, and Tibet, this serene valley was the stage for one of the most heroic yet somber
chapters in India’s military history during the 1962 Sino-Indian War. Surrounded by
towering mountains and flowing rivers, Namka Chu's natural beauty stands in poignant
contrast to the fierce battle fought here.
The Battle of Namka Chu, fought in October 1962, was one of the earliest engagements
of the Sino-Indian War. Indian forces, vastly outnumbered made a valiant stand against
the advancing Chinese troops. The 7th Infantry Brigade, led by Brigadier John Dalvi,
faced harsh conditions, inadequate supplies and logistical challenges. With their
unwavering courage, the Indian soldiers delay the Chinese advance. This battle
underscored the resilience and bravery of the Indian Army, even in the face of
overwhelming odds.
Note: Since Namka Chu is situated at an altitude of approximately 11,000 feet above sea level, tourists are advised to follow the acclimatization process.Please refer to the PDF attached in the important links section.