Rajouri, a picturesque town in the Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir, lies at the foothills of the Himalayas near the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan. Steeped in history, it was once ruled by Rajput kings and played a key role during the Mughal and British eras. The town is home to historical landmarks, including forts, temples, and palaces, and hosts a vibrant cultural mix of communities such as Dogra, Pahari, Kashmiri, and Gujjar. Its diverse festivals, like Diwali, Eid and Baisakhi, showcase its cultural richness. During the 1947-48 Indo-Pak War, Rajouri was a strategic location, witnessing heavy clashes between Indian and Pakistani forces, contributing significantly to the defence of the region.
While the decisive battle for Srinagar was being fought in the Valley, the situation in the Jammu region was fast deteriorating. The Pakistani aggression in this area started on October 15, 1947. The Raiders were mostly local Muslims from across the border reinforced by Muslim deserters of the State Forces and supported and led by Pakistani Regulars. They were well backed from across the borders by Pakistan Army with supplies, arms, ammunition and fire support. The State Forces in the area were stationed at the towns of Mirpur, Kotli, Poonch, Jhangar, Naushera, Bhimbergali, Rajauri and Beri Pattan. The Raiders succeeded in capturing large areas close to the border and besieging the towns with overwhelming forces. Thousands of refugees had taken shelter in these towns. The plan was to capture Rajauri was for 19 Infantry Brigade to advance from Naushera to Rajauri, a distance of about 50 kms and with enemy holding a number of positions on the dominating features enroute. The road from Naushera to Rajauri was a single lane road in a bad state of repair. To delay the Indian Forces, the enemy had created a large number of landslides, blown up culverts and minor bridges and established a number of roadblocks using felled trees, mines and booby traps.
Lt Rane and his men of the engineer platoon kept clearing the roadblocks with total disregard for their personal safety. An audacious plan to use tanks along the bed of the Tawi River was conceived and succeeded as the enemy fled in panic. The capture of Rajauri was a magnificent achievement. The advance of 48 kms through thickly wooded hills along a poorly maintained road denied at almost every kilometre by landslides, road blocks and mines was a remarkable feat.
Srinagar Airport → Rajouri Town